Question: Who can become a Egg Donor?


Potential FertilityMate Egg Donors must meet the following basic criteria:
– Be between 21 and 32 years old

– Have both ovaries
– Have regular monthly menstrual periods
– Healthy BMI (make sure you have a healthy weight for your height)
– Psychologically healthy
– No current use of psychoactive drugs
– No history of substance abuse
– No family history of inheritable genetic disorders
– Willing to take injections
– Dependable, mature, and able to keep appointments
– Comfortable with and committed to donate your eggs to a recipient couple

– Willing and able to travel internationally


Question: Will donating affect my chances of getting pregnant in the future?

Females are born with between one and two million immature eggs, or follicles, in their ovaries. When a woman reaches puberty and starts to menstruate, only about 400,000 follicles remain. Each month an average of 10-20 eggs are produced, of which one dominant egg is selected by the body for ovulation, while the rest are released or absorbed by the body. It is these eggs that would normally be discarded that are targeted and developed by the fertility drugs administered in an egg donation cycle. The long term consequences of egg donation are unknown, but we believe that with proper medical care the risks are very low and that the process is safe. There is no evidence that the medication used in egg donation could result in infertility on the part of the donor.

Question: Will I get to know or meet the recipients of my donation?

At FertilityMate the Egg donation is anonymous. The egg donor’s full name is kept confidential  to ensure privacy and anonymity.  We do not disclose any identifying information to the recipients. You will not meet the recipients, unless both parties request and agree to an introduction. This process would be arranged through FertilityMate and the fertility clinic involved.

Question:  How much am I compensated for donation?

Donor compensation is determined by the time and expense associated with your participation in an egg donor cycle and is determined by the regulations in the country within which you donate.

Question: Will donating eggs cost me anything?

No expenses are incurred by the egg donor. All expenses will be covered by the recipient couple. These expenses include egg donor compensation, all egg donor medical costs and travel expenses.

Question: If I recommend a friend, is there a referral bonus I could receive?

Yes, you will receive a 1000ZAR referral bonus for any referral who completes an egg retrieval. Please make sure that your friend has listed you as their referring party/source.

Question: Is egg donation painful?

The process of egg donation is relatively pain free. There are subcutaneous injections (very small needles that are injected just beneath the surface of the skin) that the donor is required to self administer in the abdomen during the cycle, as well as blood draws that are administered by professionals. The retrieval process is done under light sedation, therefore the donor is asleep. The donor may experience mild bloating or cramping for a few days after the retrieval process, but once your menstrual cycle starts the body goes back to its normal routine.

Question: How long is the egg retrieval procedure?

The egg retrieval procedure typically lasts about 20 minutes.

Question: How many times can I donate my eggs?

At FertilityMate we allow our egg donors to participate in no more than six donation cycles as per recommended guidelines.

Question: Are there side affect to the Fertility medication?

The most common side affects are similar to those experienced during your menstrual cycle. These may include headaches, bloating, mood swings, hot flashes and breast tenderness. Ovarian Hyper stimulation Syndrome is a more serious side affect that can be associated with the over stimulation of your ovaries by fertility medication. The risk of the syndrome is low and the frequent blood draws and vaginal ultrasounds done during the medical appointments will greatly decrease this risk. If this is identified as a problem, the Doctor providing the care will decrease the medication or stop the cycle all together. Donors are monitored very closely.

Question: Are there any risks involved in donating my eggs?

It is important to note that as with any elective medical procedure, there are risks involved.  However these risks are minimal and are managed carefully by the medical professionals.  The main risks involved are: (a) ovarian hyper-stimulation syndrome (OHSS) or (b) risk of infection.  For more information please read up here or contact us to schedule a chat: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ovarian_hyperstimulation_syndrome

Question: Can I have intercourse while taking Fertility medication?

Egg donors should not engage in sexual intercourse while taking the fertility medication and should not resume sexual activity until after their first menstrual cycle following the egg retrieval procedure. Engaging in sexual activity during this time can drastically increase the chance of falling pregnant. You may resume your normal methods of birth control once you have completed a donor cycle.  Remember that you are super fertile until you get your first period

Question: What types of Birth control can I use and still be a egg donor?

Egg donors can take oral contraceptives (birth control) pills and other forms of contraceptives such as an IUD or Nuvo Ring. We cannot accept egg donors using Depo-Provera Injections as a form of birth control. A three month waiting period is required after the LAST injection, before a donor may participate.

Question: How long must I wait before donating again?

At FertilityMate we recommend that you should ideally have two full cycles in between donations.

Question: How long will I be out of country?

You will be out of the country for approximately 12 – 14 days.

Question: Will there be someone to take care of me?

Yes, you will either be accompanied by an experienced FertilityMate Coordinator or Assistant to support and guide you through the process, or else a representative from the clinic will be there to guide you and assist you.

Please see our Basic Guide to Nepal